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Keratin treatment for hair: Pros and cons

Hair has always been a subject of envy and admiration throughout the world. Having beautiful hair is a boon bestowed upon a lucky few. While the rest of us struggle with our hair every single day, the chosen few walk the earth, unaffected, swishing their perfect hair and making us green with jealously. Having said that, it’s high time we do something to our lovable bird’s nest, aka our hair. For once, let’s ditch the home remedies and rely on science. With amazing developments in the beauty industry came another revolutionary procedure for hair, the Keratin treatment. With a large number of success rate and a huge clientele, this treatment has certainly built itself a loyal fan following. Want to try this too? Read on further to know why and how it can transform your hair into the silky waterfall you’ve always wanted.

What is Keratin?
Keratin is the major protein which is naturally present in our hair. Not only does the hair contain Keratin, it is also majorly comprised of keratin-associated proteins. It acts as an external protective and internal structural protein to protect your hair and keep them healthy. Due to exposure to external factors like the sun, pollution or chemicals, or changes in your lifestyle, the keratin present in the hair gets depleted. This loss is what leads to dry, damaged and dull hair.

What does a Keratin treatment do?

During a keratin treatment, keratin is artificially added to the hair to make it look smooth, shiny and frizz free, thereby making it very popular among women and men. Such treatments fill in the porous spots in your hair which materialized due to loss of keratin. These overly-porous hair cause frizz, tangles and breakage. A keratin treatment is basically rebuilding the hair by putting back the lost protein into your strands.

What to expect from a keratin treatment?

This treatment results in silky smooth hair which gradually fades out after a few months. A Keratin treatment is unlike the straightening/rebonding process. Your hair will neither be flattened out completely, devoid of any volume, nor will it make your roots grow in curly and your ends sleek. The ingredient Keratin is basically like a super strong deep conditioner.

The results of the treatment also vary from one person to another. It’s essentially rebuilding those parts of the hair which have been damaged. Shiny, less frizzy and easy to manage hair are some benefits you can expect post-treatment. Someone with extremely curly hair might end up with less curly and mildly straight ringlets. On the other hand, a person with wavy hair would end up with straight and polished hair. The effects of the treatment are going to be different for everyone so don’t be disappointed if you don’t get the stick straight hair you were looking for. A keratin treatment is more about manageable, smooth, fuss-free hair with a salon worthy blow-dry look and less about stick straight, unnatural looking hair.


Before you head out to the salon, check whether a keratin treatment would be suitable to your hair. Just because your best friend loved it, doesn’t mean it’s going to suit you too. According to leading hairstylists, hair with curly or frizzy textures are best suited to undergo a keratin treatment. On the other hand, fine and moderately straight hair should avoid the treatment altogether.

Another important point before undergoing the treatment is consulting your hairstylist. It’s a good idea to choose a trusted and experienced hairstylist for your hair. A consultation with the stylist would ensure you get the formula best suited for your hair. This is essential as every keratin treatment isn’t created equally. Also, reading about the treatment beforehand would help as it will give you a good idea about what to expect. Don’t forget to inquire about the price as it varies according to the length of the hair.

The Procedure

Pick a day when you’re free and have ample amount of time to spare because this is one lengthy treatment. The treatment lasts for approximately three hours and consist of the following steps.
- Hair wash (Shampoo but not conditioner)

- Blow-dry to remove all the moisture

- Application of Keratin solution

- Hair is left to set

- Another round of blow-dry

- Followed by a flat-iron to help seal in the solution

 - All done!

 The end result would be smooth, shiny, manageable hair which will last you at least three months with a proper hair care regime. Although this treatment doesn’t have any proven side-effects, its use of formaldehyde has come under the scanner. The chemical has been used in manufacturing of various household products and definitely not considered too safe. Because of this, mild irritation or infection can be caused to the skin and eyes. That’s why, it’s extremely important that the procedure is performed by a trained hairstylist.


After the treatment, it is recommended to invest in a good dry shampoo as you’re not allowed to wash your hair or tie them back with a rubber band for at least 48 hours. Although your hair becomes more manageable post-treatment, there won’t be a significant change to your hair care regime. You’ll still be required to put in extra effort to take care of your hair. Stylists usually advise sulfate free formula for your shampoo. This would ensure longevity as the shampoo won’t counteract the treatment. Consult your hairdresser about after-care products to maintain your silky smooth hair for a longer period of time.

Rules to keep your hair LONG and healthy


Use hair products the right way:
For the cleaning process, a mild shampoo on the scalp must be used to remove excess dirt from your scalp and to open up the pores. Contrarily, conditioners must be applied to the ends of your lengths, which is the most damaged portion. Additionally, apply a hair mask to benefit from the rejuvenating properties of this deep conditioning treatment.

Wash hair with lukewarm water & final rinse with cold water:
Washing your hair with lukewarm water helps to open up pores on your scalp. Open pores help in absorbing moisture and natural oils of hair products. To conclude, it is advised to rinse your hair with cold water as it seals moisture and closes the pores.

Protect hair before heat styling:
Using heat protectant products or hair serums can prevent your hair from getting damaged from excessive application of heat. Keeping your styling tools on low or medium heat can protect your strands from breakage and split ends.

Healthy diet and lifestyle:
Consuming the type of diet, with essential nutrients and vitamins, can promote healthy and faster hair growth. Additionally, exercising regularly is important as it increases the flow of blood to your scalp, encourages hair growth, and reduces the stress that can cause hair fall.



Dry Skin

If you think having oily skin is a pain, then let us tell you that having dry skin isn’t a walk in the park either. Dry skin can make you feel very uncomfortable, especially in the winters and in extremely cold temperatures. When not taken care of properly, it results in intense pain and an unsightly appearance.

Common Troubles: Dry skin usually seems to be fine textured and dull, but on a closer look, there may be flaky or granulated skin particularly around the corners of the mouth, eyes, and forehead. If neglected, it may lead to wrinkles.

Simple Tips: Don’t use hot water while taking a shower. Never leave the shower without applying a moisturizer. Pat dry your skin after a shower, and always use a soft towel.

Oily Skin

This is the most troublesome skin type to have. The troubles are countless, but when maintained, this skin type can have a certain glow that other skin types don’t.

Common Troubles: The common problems include enlarged visible pores and a dull appearance due to the overproduction of oil. This, in turn, provides a shiny and greasy sheen. Frequent acne and blemishes, blackheads, whiteheads, and dark spots are also some of the common problems of oily skin.

Simple Tips: Maintain a healthy diet. Eat lots of raw veggies and fruits, and avoid oily and junk food. Always keep your face clean. This helps in keeping excessive oiliness and acne at bay.

Combination Skin

With this, we get to suffer from the good and bad qualities of both the skin types! Combination skin usually has a mix of both oily skin characteristics, such as large pores, constant shine, and breakouts especially in the T-zone – the forehead, nose, and chin area and dry skin characteristics i.e., itching, flakiness, and redness on the cheeks.

Common Troubles: You will face the troubles of both the skin types depending on the climatic conditions and also which skin type is more dominant on your face.

Simple Tips: If you have an oily skin type, then your hormones play a great influence over whether or not you will end up with combination skin. Here are a few very basic things you can do to help your skin look and feel better.

Keep your face clean at all times. Hunt for the perfect moisturizer for your skin. These can never be the same for people with this skin type as there will always be variations in the degree of oiliness and dryness. And once you find it, don’t change!

Use the appropriate amount of moisturizer depending on your skin’s reaction to climatic conditions. Too much moisturization will cause problems with the oily zone and less of it will cause problems with the dry zone.



How to care for your nails ?

 Examine if you have healthy nails
Lookout for signs that indicate your nails are healthy. Examine the colour of your talons that should be pinkish-white and ensure the presence of cuticles, a prominent half-moon shaped white section (called the lunula) at nail base. A combination of a well-balanced diet, routine nail care, and good personal hygiene can give you beautiful and healthy nails.

Tips to follow↓↓

Keep hands clean It’s important to make sure your nails and skin around them are dirt-free. Use an acetone-free nail polish remover to take off nail paint. You can apply soap to a toothbrush, and then gently scrub your nails and skin. This removes dirt and exfoliates any dead skin without the need for harsh, drying chemicals or expensive scrubs.

Trim nails regularly
Nails should be trimmed at least once in two weeks. Cuticles should not be cut as it helps to seal the area at the base of the nail and if that is broken, nails are vulnerable to infection. Instead, gently push back the cuticle once a week with a wooden stick after getting out from the shower and apply cuticle oil or a lotion on it.

Invest in a good nail kit
Disinfect your nail tools by washing them with soap and water and then wipe down with rubbing alcohol after every use.

Protect and moisturise your nails
Whenever you apply nail paint, always apply a base coat first. The base coat helps the nail paint color to look better and at the same time protects the nail from being stained by the polish. Use a top coat to seal the nail color and decrease the incidence of nail chipping too. Apply almond oil to the cuticles and nails at night for proper hydration and blood circulation.

Invest in a good nail paint
Always make sure that you use a good nail polish product. Some nail paints may contain toxic chemicals, which can contribute to brittleness, splitting, and cracking of nails.